Avoiding Common Website Design Mistakes

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9 Mistakes Web Designers Make and How to Avoid Them

To make sure your website garners the right kind of attention, watch out for some of the most common mistakes new web designers make. Designing a new website is an exciting, creative venture that allows a company to put its best foot forward. 

1. Focusing on form over function – You can include every trending web design tactic and still create a website that fails to perform. Focus on usability considerations such as navigation and readability before adding flashy graphics and fun fonts.

2. Using low contrast colors – Whether you are creating a call-to-action button or framing a section of text on the page, high contrast always wins. Designers should stick with colors that are easy to read regardless of screen size or device type.

3. Using autoplay videos and sounds– Many online readers today open several tabs before they start reading one webpage. Empower your site visitors to control their own site experience with well-placed videos that are ready to play, but not set to autoplay. The same principle applies for background music or sounds. Some people read content in quiet environments, and an autoplay sound can startle and frustrate readers.

4. Using links to open new windows or tabs – Unless you link to a completely different website, do not use internal links to open new windows. If a site visitor wants to keep reading content on the page, he or she will choose to open the link in a new tab or window.

5. Leaving key elements of the website in the background – Web Design 101 teaches new designers to always focus on the key elements of the website including the navigation, calls-to-action, and contact information. If actionable information is not at eye level when a reader views the page, he or she may fail to take any kind of action.

6. Using an unreliable web host – Most website hosts today are fast enough for professional websites, but failing to choose a well-regarded host could lead to slow load times and unanticipated down time for your site. Gauge your expected site traffic and hosting requirements carefully to provide users with the best possible website experience.

7. Forgetting to include search functionality – People who spend time online today know and like using search bars to find information quickly. Give your site visitors the opportunity to find the right information with a helpful search bar. Site visitors instinctively know to look for search bars at the top right corner of a website, but other areas work, too.

8. Poorly placed content – Great content does more than read well, its layout makes reading easy. Use white spaces, font sizes, and text lengths to capture site visitor attention without overwhelming.

9. Failing to consider SEO – Search Engine Optimization begins with website design. Brush up on best practices for website SEO and consider those elements during the website design phase.

Web designers have power over a website’s initial impression. An experienced web designer can help you eliminate some of the most common mistakes and develop an eye catching and helpful website.

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